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2025 Vendor Application

July 20-26, 2025


Vendor reservations are now being taken for the annual Days of ’76 Rodeo, which will run from Sunday, July 20th through Saturday, July 26th, 2025.


Space rentals are available throughout the main grandstand area.  Last year’s exhibitors will have the first right of refusal on spaces until April 1st, 2025.   The spaces under the grandstands are approximately 12’ X 12’ at $525 each.  Larger spaces will be $650 each.  Please designate below if your space will need electricity, as the supply is limited.  You must furnish your own extension cords, tables, chairs, etc. 


Exhibitors must set up on Saturday, July 19th between the hours of 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.  It is mandatory your exhibit be open during the PRCA Rodeo Events listed in bold below; however, we suggest you be open during all events.  Please contact Tara Olson at 605-641-8272 for questions and space assignment once approved.


2025 Schedule:

Optional  - Sunday, July 20           PRCA Steer Roping begins at 9:00 a.m.

Optional – Monday, July 21          WPRA Barrel Racing slack begins at 8:00 a.m.

Optional – Tuesday, July 22          Timed Event Rodeo Slack begins at 8:00 a.m.

Required:  Tuesday, July 22        5:00 pm–9:30 pm -  PRCA Rodeo begins at 7:00 p.m.

Optional – Wednesday, July 23      Timed Event Rodeo Slack begins at 8:00 a.m.

Required:  Wednesday, July 23    5:00 pm–9:30 pm -  PRCA Rodeo begins at 7:00 p.m.

Optional – Thursday, July 24         Timed Event Rodeo Slack begins at 8:00 a.m.

Required:  Thursday, July 24      5:00 pm–9:30 pm  -  PRCA Rodeo begins at 7:00 p.m.

Optional -  Friday, July 25             Parade line up begins at: 11 am; Timed Event Rodeo Slack begins at 8:00 a.m.

Required:  Friday, July 25          5:00 pm–9:30 pm  -  PRCA Rodeo begins at 7:00 p.m.

Optional -  Saturday, July 26         Parade line up begins at: 11 am; Timed Event Rodeo Slack begins at 8:00 a.m.

Required:  Saturday, July 26       5:00 am–9:30 pm - PRCA Rodeo begins at 7:00p.m. 




2025 Vendor Rules


  1. All stands, booths or trailers must be substantial in structure and neat in appearance.  All concessions, exhibits and display areas must be open, adequately staffed, and in operation during prescribed hours every day of the event.  All vendor staff shall be clean, neatly attired and tidy in appearance, hygiene and dress at all times with uniform wearing apparel where appropriate, particularly in food/beverage operations.  Food booths must be supplied with and sell only wholesome food at reasonable prices and meet the health, sanitary and electrical codes of the local and state authorities.

  2. Each vendor must confine doing business within their assigned space.  No walking concessions are allowed.  The sale, posting or distribution of any merchandise, products, promotional items, printed or written material except from the assigned fixed location is prohibited.  Failure to comply will subject vendor to forfeit all privileges without reimbursement.

  3. Vendor agrees to provide access to their goods and services for patrons with disabilities either by physically altering their place of business to provide access, or by moving to the outside of their place of business to show and offer their goods and services to such patrons as needed.

  4. No space may be sublet under any conditions or for any reason.  The Days of ’76 Management reserves the right to refuse any space rental contract when in sole discretion of the Days of ’76 Management.  Such actions are in the best interest of the Days of ’76 and its patrons.

  5. The Days of ’76 assumes no liability for loss or damage to any property of an exhibitor or concessionaire due to fire, tornado, weather conditions, theft, vandalism or other causes.  The Days of ’76 does not assume responsibility for electrical failures of any kind, nor damage to equipment or property caused by drops or increases in power supply, low voltage or power surges, and shall not be liable for loss of profits or revenues, loss of use of equipment, costs of capital, costs of temporary equipment, claims of customers of the vendor for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages due to the interruption or fluctuation in service on the grounds.

  6. A representative of the Day of ’76 Vendor Committee shall have full access to said premises at all times.

  7. Any space contracted and assigned, but not set up and ready for business, may be canceled and re-assigned with all fees previously paid for such space forfeited as liquidated damages if not occupied by 5:00 p.m. (MST) on  Saturday, July 19, 2025.  Vendor may not cancel space contracts without providing written notification to the Days of ’76 at least 30 days prior to the start of the event.  Refunds on canceled space contracts will be made only if the preceding provisions are met.

  8. Returned checks will incur a $30.00 service charge.

  9. Vendor shall be the absolute and unqualified owner of all property of every kind and character whatsoever brought or to be brought upon said exhibit grounds, or kept and used in connection with the privilege herein granted, and that the Days of ’76 management shall have a lien thereon whether the same be exempt from execution or not for money paid to the Days of ’76 for said privilege, and for any damages sustained by the Days of ’76 or any portion of said exhibit grounds.  The Days of ’76 management shall have the right to seize said property, with or without process of law and hold the same for any sums due hereunder without liability whatsoever for such seizure and may appropriate said property to the satisfaction of any claims arising hereunder.

  10. Vendor agrees no food, water, juice, soda or beverage of any kind, no liquor or beverage containing alcohol in any form shall be sold or given away within said premises and the Days of ’76 Vendor Committee shall have the right and privilege of closing any area, if, in the judgment of the Days of ’76 Vendor Committee, the vendor’s display or activity is considered detrimental to said Days of ’76.

  11. Vendor agrees no loudspeaker, amplifier, radio or other sound device shall be used in the exhibit space without the consent of the Days of ’76 Vendor Chairman. 

  12. Vendor agrees no golf carts/ATV/UTV of any type are allowed by exhibitors on the grounds for promotional purposes.

  13. Vendors are NOT allowed on the grounds to load their exhibits until ALL spectators have left the rodeo grounds after the end of the final performance on Saturday Night.  Vehicles of any type will NOT be allowed in or out of the rodeo grounds area after Saturday night without prior express permission from the Vendor Chairman.  If a trailer or vehicle must be brought in to unload additional merchandise, it must be done AFTER the final performance and majority of all attendees have left the premises each night.

  14. SERVICE ANIMALS must be on a leash at all times and must be kept within the boundaries of your reserved vendor space.  Absolutely no other animals, emotional support or otherwise, will be allowed on the grounds. If you bring an animal, you will be required to remove it from the grandstands immediately.  If you do not follow these rules, you will be asked to remove your merchandise and will not be allowed to return.   


To Download this application and Vendor Rules click HERE.


2025 Days of 76 Vendor Application

Grandstand Space Request
Signed this date and time
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